Compensation is a benefit that can be claimed by a person who has suffered damage, regardless of whether its source is a tort (e.g. hitting a pedestrian crossing a pedestrian crossing, medical error), non-performance or improper performance of an obligation (e.g. in the case of improper performance of home renovation or improper car repair) or unjust enrichment. The damage may be pecuniary – when it can be expressed in money, or non-pecuniary – when as a result of suffering harm, the legislator provides for the obligation to pay compensation.
I offer services in cases related to seeking compensation or redress, regardless of the nature, source or amount of damage, at every stage of the case, i.e. both at the stage of pre-trial activities – usually in the course of proceedings conducted by insurance companies – and in the course of proceedings before courts of all instances.
I invite you to use my services in claiming damages at every stage of the case.